Thursday, November 1, 2012

It is Finished!


Love never fails

1Cor 13:8

Facts and Figures
               Finalization is the word used for the adoption being complete. The more and more I get into this journey I realize the separation of language between those who have been through this process and those who have not. Finalization means it is finished! This is the last hearing you will ever go to and there will be no more social worker visits after this. During the finalization hearing they make you take an oath to treat your adopted child like they are a biological child with all the rights, inheritances, and privileges that brings. You finish by signing some papers and getting your picture taken with the judge.
         Truly it's an amazing moment when you're saying the vow of adoption. I believe that it's so apart of heaven to be about adoption. We as ones who follow God are adopted into His family. The bond of adoption is stronger in many ways then that of biology. In the eyes of the state when you have adopted you have been permanently glued to this child forever and nothing but severe circumstances can break that bond.
        After the final hearing your lawyer will give you official papers showing the completion of adoption but you won't get the birth certificate for some time. Once all this is over you can breathe and celebrate the completion of such an amazing journey that brought you to this point. 

Thoughts and Journal Entries
June 2012 

   At the beginning this month it was a time of enjoying the summer days. I've been praying in the work and God has been faithful to bring in what we need. Sometimes it feels like this process of adoption is never going to end but I remember the Lord told me June so I'm hoping I heard right. My roommate told me that she's going to be moving out July 1st which really is putting me in a bind because I don't know if we will be able to find someone to sublet the room for 2 months. I really feel like I will be moving back to Redding in August.

  Finally it came the letter that I was waiting for. The Friday before the 25th of June we got a letter saying that the 25th was our finalization day! It's here! I can't believe it it's over! God did it. We went to court on the 25th and I didn't even think of bringing someone with me to tape it but my agency social worker showed up so she took pictures and taped it. It was the quickest ceremony ever. I think the whole thing took maybe 10 minutes. I think after all this waiting at least the ceremony was quick.
  I can't believe that it finished so fast. It seems like it's been quick but maybe it's not been as quick as I think. I feel lots of relief from this being over. Now we can move into our next season. I know we will be moving but I'm not sure when. I'd love to take a vacation now that I don't have to fill out paperwork to leave the country that would be nice to just hop on a plane and do some traveling. Oh, the dreams I have. I couldn't be more excited and proud to have the most amazing beautiful daughter in the whole world.  I don't know what our life will look like in the future but I know that it will be together. No matter what this little girl will be with me. God is so faithful in everything!

Summer Fun!
1/2 Christmas party
It is finished she's officially a Foos!

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